News Listing


Despite intense lobbying to change its position on the rights of doctors to conscientiously object to controversial procedures such as abortion and euthanasia, the World Medical Association (WMA) has once again confirmed its support for doctors with conscientious objections not to refer patients for such procedures.


After a “scandalous” admission by a Pfizer executive testifying before parliament this week, there is one massive lie being told to everyone.

The ban on cosmetic surgery testimonials stays in, but Queensland’s passing of the amendments has doctors worried about reputation and mental health.


MILAN, Oct 28 (Reuters) - Italian doctors and nurses suspended from work because they are not vaccinated against Covid-19 will soon be reinstated, new Health Minister Orazio Schillaci said on Friday.


The march to expand euthanasia in Canada continues with the latest push to allow assisted dying for infants under the age of one.

Catholic Weekly

A Sydney GP is helping build desperately-needed healthcare on the other side of the world.
ACMA was lucky enough to have Dr Mark Hanley speak to us at our NSW Social last weekend.

The law doesn’t forbid the sale of such ‘soil,’ or its use in growing food for human consumption.


The eight orthodox bishops who voted against the document were Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki and Bishops Gregor Maria Hanke, Matthias Heinrich, Stefan Oster, Dominikus Schwaderlapp, Rolf Steinhäuser, Rudolf Vorderholzer, and Florian Wörner.


The ruling is the latest in a string of recent victories for pro-family adoption groups.


Paige Casey was fired for not going against her conscience.