Become a Member

The Australian Catholic Medical Association, is a doctor-led, multidisciplinary group of Catholic health care professionals and students.


Benefits of being a member include:

  • To be encouraged and assisted to grow in your faith and pursue sanctity, especially in the integration of your faith and medical practice to enable the provision of excellence in ethical health care, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
  • To help you in your role of medical professional to respect the life and dignity of every human being from conception to natural end
  • To communicate and collaborate with a nation wide group of health care professionals.
  • To collaborate on medical projects with a Catholic focus.
  • To communicate and collaborate with international Catholic Medical Organisations.
  • To communicate and collaborate with other medical associations and colleagues who support ethical healthcare based on the sanctity of human life and the inherent dignity of all human beings.
  • To help you to contribute to public/private debate in relation to issues affecting healthcare and professional standards
  • Develop your interior life through online prayer meetings and masses with blessing of the hands ceremonies
  • Access to up to date news articles on bioethical issues
  • Access The Australian Catholic Medical Association Mobile App where you can register for events and keep up to date with all our correspondence
  • Access to the members only portal.


What is in our members only portal?

In the members only portal you will have access to the following; our calendar of events, articles addressing some of the more controversial bioethical issues, a members blog called Members Musings, where you can have a say or share an article, links to a wide range of catholic medical podcasts and a video gallery of talks from past conferences and seminars. You will also receive event invites and newsletters as well as access to an ACMA app for your mobile phone. 


Sign up for membership HERE