Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life

Alexis was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for you to share her story.


This is what 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze looked like before her vaccine injury. And this is what she looks like now.

Alexis was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and after suffering a devastating adverse reaction, she anticipated only having a few days to live.

Alexis’s heartbreaking story began when she went to a UC Irvine hospital seeking help for her condition, Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH). She was hoping for a blood transfusion, but her doctors informed her that she wouldn’t receive any further treatment unless she was up to date on her vaccines.

Despite a history of vaccine injury and a severely compromised immune system due to her genetic condition, Alexis was given three vaccines all at once: tetanus, meningitis, and pneumonia. Within 10 minutes of receiving the injections, her body began to shut down.

According to Steve Kirsch, her symptoms were immediate and severe: “Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting, and then things went horribly downhill from there.”

In a plea for help that went viral, Alexis described how her entire body was covered in bruises and hematomas. She was in excruciating pain, and despite her deteriorating condition, the hospital allegedly did little to address her life-threatening symptoms, opting instead to treat her with pain medication and Benadryl.

The doctor who mandated these shots has since disappeared from the picture, leaving Alexis without any explanation or accountability as she struggles to receive the care she needs while dealing with the consequences of an unnecessary vaccine protocol.

According to A Midwestern Doctor, the case of medical blindness that happened to Alexis is an all-too-common story:

• A major theme in medicine is that doctors are frequently unable to recognize conditions which:

•Create cognitive dissonance for them (e.g., by forcing them to acknowledge they hurt a patient or accept that the guidelines their medical tribe gave them are flawed).

•They were not taught to identify to recognize (as there is so much complexity to a human being, the majority of physicians lack the innate capacity to see things they weren’t taught to filter for or the willing to seriously consider the significance of things which do not make sense within their cognitive map of the world).

• Because of this, physicians frequently fail to recognize a pharmaceutical injury is occurring or believe a patient who claims an injury was linked to a pharmaceutical (particularly since medical education conveniently does not train doctors to recognize these injuries and simultaneously trains them to believe anything patients report that is not backed by science is “anecdotal” and most likely a spontaneous coincidence). This in turn leads to the tragic phenomenon of “medical gaslighting” (discussed further here) something many patients understandably find infuriating.

As Alexis’s condition worsened, she was transferred to the ICU, likely due to the mounting public pressure on the hospital. However, the damage was already done. According to A Midwestern Doctor, her lab results revealed that she had developed Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a known but rare vaccine complication where the immune system destroys its own platelets, leading to dangerous bruising and bleeding throughout her body.

A Midwestern Doctor outlines the deeply troubling care Alexis received during her hospital stay, which starkly contrasts with how she should have been treated. Her severe pain, swelling, and the hematomas covering her body were largely ignored. Despite her alarming symptoms beginning right after the vaccines, the hospital attributed them to a Parvovirus infection.

To make matters worse, Alexis reported being mocked by medical staff and faced extreme delays when requesting help. The hospital even refused to transfer her due to insurance issues, leaving her in critical condition.

•She came in hoping for a blood transfusion, but was told she could not have any more treatment unless she received the vaccines.

•The hospital has given conflicting messages about what vaccines she received (even though the nurse clearly told them which ones were being given).

•Alexis’s entire body is covered with the same hematomas you can see on her face and her body feels as though it is inflated. Additionally, she is in severe pain.

•The doctors have not treated her well (she claims some laughed at her, while another one stated they had never seen anything like this before) and that when she’s hit the call button for basic things she needs, it’s taken hours for nurses to get to her.

•The hospital is convinced this could not have been due to the vaccine, and instead was due to a Parvovirus infection (which a PCR test was positive for). Given that all or her symptoms started 10 minutes after the vaccines…that’s a bit of a stretch but no different from what Suzanne Humphries experienced.

•The tried to transport her out of the hospital but were unable to as she does not have the insurance to get care at another facility.

The tragic reality is that Alexis’s situation is not unique. Vaccine injuries are frequently dismissed or downplayed, and those who suffer them often find themselves isolated and without recourse.

In Alexis’s case, the hospital’s refusal to acknowledge her vaccine injury has left her in a critical state. Nurse Angela, Steve Kirsch, and others are working on measures to get Alexis to another hospital with trusted physicians to treat her vaccine injury.

Please pray for Alexis and share her story so others don’t suffer the same fate. You can also support Alexis by contributing to her fundraiser here on this ethical platform.

Click Here to Donate to Alexis

UPDATE: Alexis’s story has gone so viral that the media is now forced to cover it.

Fox News 11 Los Angeles calls what Alexis suffered an “extreme adverse reaction.”

“Alexis says she ultimately agreed to the hospital’s requirement of receiving three vaccines: meningitis, pneumonia and tetanus. Within 10 minutes, she had an extreme adverse reaction.”

Nurse Angela, who has honorably stayed at Alexis’s bedside, reports, “She lost vision in both eyes. She started bleeding out of her nose, she started vomiting, and then these purple patches under her skin started appearing at the top of her head, and then just started spreading. And it’s now covering pretty much all of her body.”

Fox News 11 tried contacting UCI Medical Center for comment, but “despite repeated calls and e-mails, UCI Media Relations has not responded.”

Thankfully, “Alexis is slowly getting better. She has regained vision in both eyes … It could take several weeks before she is well enough to be released.”

UPDATE 2: Alexis says as soon as she starts getting “a little bit of strength back,” she’s going to join forces with the vaccine-injured community to take down the criminal medical system.

“This is not something I’m just gonna sit here and a few months go by and act like everything is back to normal. This is gonna be something I fight for my whole life. As soon as I’m able to stand again. I can’t even stand for more than a minute without my whole body convulsing, so as soon as I get a little bit of strength back, at least, even if I got to wheel myself in a wheelchair around forever, I’m fighting. And I will join whoever else I need to get these things in order because this is absolutely terrifying.”

“People of my generation have a harder time being spoken to and being convinced that these things can go wrong because the media is very heavily influencing how people my age think. And unfortunately, it had to be me. But if it’s gonna be me that has to speak up and get people my age to understand, I will fight, and I’m never, ever, ever gonna back down.”